3 years ago today, August 20th, the “bad moon” began to rise. This expression is how I have often internally thought about the chaos of the first 15 days after discovering I was terribly sick (and yet ruggedly handsome.) It seems odd to be at a hinge point of awaiting another 3 years post-treatment to […]

(This was written in early September 2020, but I held off posting it as others were furiously battling. Their fights are over and they are now perfectly healed.) With these words on August 25th, 2019, we announced publicly what I had been sharing privately since the 22nd (I knew the 20th) that I was in […]
The same view, 8 months later. The last time Rodney was able to make this walk was October 8. This evening he made it again. God is so good! (It took Andrea and a walking stick to make it up the hill, but we made it!) (Yes, I am drinking Plexus and rubbing my eyebrows […]

Yesterday, my phone rang, and Pastor Chris Truett and his church staff encouraged and prayed for my family and me. A few moments later, my “youth pastor” Fred Caraway called to schedule a visit for next week, even though it is a 6-hour drive. My bride faced the panic-stricken hordes at the supermarket to liberate […]

Things I Love About My Husband’s Cancer Diagnosis Before you question my sanity, please let me explain. I cried while I was making eggs the other day. Not because the eggs were bad or the milk was soured. I cried because a thought came to my mind like an arrow. As serious as Rodney’s cancer […]