– Norton AntiVirus 2005 – 3 User Pack
Author: Rodney
10. The choir voted to move weekly practice to 3:30 a.m. Wednesday. It’s OK if you don’t like to get up that early. 9. When we ordered the sheet music for our upcoming special they left out the page with your part. 8. All the chairs in the Choir rehearsal room are full. 7. We’re […]
Classic article/lecture on the crucifixion of Christ On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ
The Science of the Crucifixion
Truly horrific picture of the method of crucifixion. APU — In Focus — The Science of the Crucifixion
“Who Do you Think I am?”
Grace to You: “Jesus is the sovereign Lord. When you obey Him you are acknowledging His lordship and submitting to His authority. That doesn’t mean your obedience will always be perfect, but that is your goal. There is no area of your life that you withhold from Him.”