America Christianity Family Theology

Challies Dot Com: New Attitude (V) – Blogging about Albert Mohler and Culture

Challies Dot Com: New Attitude (V) New Attitude (V) People often ask me if some speakers are easier to “blog” then others. The answer is a clear yes. There are some speakers who speak in such a way that they are really quite easy to capture and to summarize. There are others that are very […]


Rocky Balboa Tribute Video


4 Types of Friends Every Pastor Needs

LifeWay: Biblical Solutions for Life – 4 Types of Friends Every Pastor Needs


What women wish pastors knew about mothers and their children by Denise George via Pastor’s Toolbox

Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox What women wish pastors knew about mothers and their children by Denise George Printer version Moms crave church-sponsored parenting classes that teach parents to become more astute Bible teachers to their children.” Denise George, author of What Women Wish Pastors Knew Most Christian moms struggle to rear godly children. We live […]

America Family

Pew Research Center: Motherhood Today: Tougher Challenges, Less Success

Pew Research Center: Motherhood Today: Tougher Challenges, Less Success Good article. Kinda sad though.