America Leadership

What about the Olympics is so Different…

What about the Olympics is so Different… Have you considered the raging contagion sweeping the globe and particularly in the Western world? Business men, bag boys, hairdressers, and haberdashers all equally afflicted and enjoined. TV networks are putting up half-hearted programming as they realize the juggernaut just cannot be stopped. Of course, we are talking […]

Christianity Leadership Theology

Reading for the Head and Heart

This is a list from RZIM ministries. What a way to spend the Summer! Recommended Reading Introductory Recommended Reading John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress Daily Light on the Daily Path (collection of Bible readings) Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth Os Guinness, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the […]

Christianity Leadership

A blast from the past to those about to graduate…

I came across this while cleaning out some folders. Trying to practice what ProfHacker preaches when I stumbled into this letter aimed at 2007 graduates. …This letter comes on the heels of the tragedy on the Virginia Tech campus. One young man, disturbed and motivated by evil, leveled incredible destruction and loss of life upon unsuspecting others. […]

Christianity Leadership Technology

God Sized Tasks

Over these past few weeks, I have tried to read all of the Christmas Scriptures along with any corresponding Old Testament references or prophecies. It has been exhilarating to say the least. One particular person who I love to study and pore over is the person of John the Baptizer. Read me with this verse […]

Christianity Leadership

Real Devotion

Church won’t start for hours. Almost 2 to be precise. Yet, the church house is buzzing with laymen. The special musicians are here an hour before the other choir members, making sure they have time to practice and prepare for the extra they they bring to the services. About 45 minutes later, the youth leaders are […]