One of the greatest personal uses for Evernote in my spiritual life is in the area of prayer.
In a wonderful men’s group I was apart of in 2012-2013 using the book The Resolution for Men (based on the movie Courageous), our group leader gave each of us a copy of the prayer guides for our wives and children from the book’s appendices. Now typically, this would have ended up stuck in the book, put in a file folder, maybe even thrown away in a few weeks after finding a nest in my Inbox.
Enter Evernote! Our group leader emailed the file to me, I copied it into Evernote, tagged it as part of my Prayer List and viola!Â
![Shortcuts for Prayer List tagged Notes](
![Notes tagged as Prayer List](
![Actual Prayer List](
When I click on my Prayer List in the morning (or whenever), I see 15 Biblical ideas to pray for my spouse and my kids. This is of course a separate list from the personal requests I have for them, but it is a great help and reminder in this area of leading my family Biblically.