Christianity Leadership Theology

Reading for the Head and Heart

This is a list from RZIM ministries. What a way to spend the Summer! Recommended Reading Introductory Recommended Reading John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress Daily Light on the Daily Path (collection of Bible readings) Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth Os Guinness, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the […]

Christianity New Evangelicalism

Everyone in a denominational setting should watch this

SBTS – Resources – Video: The President’s Forum on the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention

America Christianity

Walk the Aisle from

Walk the Aisle | Christian History Story Behind Walk the Aisle Popularized by frontier camp meetings and Charles Finney’s “anxious bench,” the altar call became an evangelistic staple of American churches. Douglas A. Sweeney and Mark C. Rogers Walk the Aisle The pastor closes his sermon: “The Holy Spirit bids you come. The congregation, praying, […]

Pastor Appreciation Month Specials from

Great offer from and an offer for the Sermon File Add-on for free this month. Pass it on! I use my Libronix almost everyday if not several times during the day. It is simply amazing. Here is the link for the sermon file add-on and the discount code. Link

America Christianity New Evangelicalism

You need to read this article — Sex and the CT « The Shepherd’s Scrapbook

An excellent summary of a more disturbing trend over at It has not been that long ago since the online editor was praising her nightly ritual of watching sitcoms and going to bed with Jay and Dave in her editorial section at the start of the weekly Christianity Today updates. I wrote a nice […]