From Rev Magazine via ( Message fodder (in random order): (largest, but content varies in quality since they gather free stuff) (subscription service with PowerPoint ideas) (interesting place leaning toward lectionary preachers) (this is Todd’s place, but it really is good Alan) (not our favorite, but several pastors recommended […]
Tag: Preacher
Impact-international Scott Coghill’s Organization.
My Ministry Space | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction My Ministry Space Youth pastors track popular networking website. Chansin Bird, RNS | posted 1/24/2007 08:22AM Youth minister Lara Blackwood starts her day the same way most of the young people at her church do—she signs on to – Leader’s Insight: Curing Grandiosity (Part 2) Leader’s Insight: Curing Grandiosity (Part 2) I’m no Superman. So why do I feel the need to do the impossible? by John Ortberg, guest columnist Psychologist Milton Rokeach wrote a book called The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. He described his attempts to treat three patients at a […]
Barna’s Top 12 for 2006
Barna’s Top 12 for 2006 Barna Research has released their most significant findings of the past year. The following dozen were selected: · Only 15 percent of those who regularly attend a Christian church ranked their relationship with God as the top priority in their life. On average, pastors believe that 70 percent of […]