Computer Technology

Using Evernote for a Conference

One of the questions I receive regurlarly is “Why are you SO fond of Evernote?” The cousins to this are “How do you use it?” and “What good is it since I just print everything anyway…?”

Here are some screenshots showing my process for gathering everything I need for our state’s association meeting. By placing this in Evernote, I will have my directions for my phone’s GPS, the times of all the events, my directions to my dinner meeting, and all the event handouts.


In just a few minutes, I have my Maps (which on my smartphone become live links for my navigation program), all the printouts and information for my hotel, and I can add anything else I receive to this note. In short, my phone and tablet will have all the right information with no papers to track.

Two more items that I will use at this meeting and at most conferences while it is ongoing.

1. With my phone and the Evernote app, I will take photos of all my receipts and use the same tag (NCFWB 2012) so that settling up later is a snap. I also do this with business cards

2. I will normally have one note ready to take down outlines, make a note to call someone, send a card, etc. This allows me to have something other than my memory to help make the meeting more profitable. Also, for the last several years, I have tried to give a short report to the church where I serve concerning the church planting that is ongoing in North Carolina. Evernote makes this a piece of cake as I am taking down facts and information while I am there so there is no problem with recall.

Finally, any papers, handouts, sales flyers, etc. will hopefully be scanned when I return if needed. If the contact information or the book title was all that was required, I can type that in or just take a photo.

An almost paper free conference with everything I need on my laptop, tablet, or phone.

All thanks to Evernote.

By Rodney

I am happily married to Andrea and we have 2 beautiful children who look like their mother. Reilly and Allison.

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